The ‘Memento Wines’ seed was planted many years ago whilst Jono, an experienced winemaker, and Luke & Kirby, two accountants, were both on jaunts overseas. Conversations were had on numerous occasions when they met in Tuscany over a few Chianti’s and vintage Mumm champagne.

In 2017 the dream began to take shape following a brilliant vintage around Victoria, and later that year over a few beers in Beechworth it was decided that they would launch Memento Wines in its current form.



1930 - 2010

Beloved ‘Pa’ to Jono lived in two houses for the 80 years of his life, 1.6km from each other, 7km outside of Rutherglen. Fair to say he was a local of the Rutherglen wine district.

Roy left school at the age of 14 in 1944 to work with his father in the famous Burgoyne’s vineyard. He dedicated 66 years of his working life to the vineyards and wineries of Rutherglen, there would barely be a winery in operation today that Roy didn’t have some involvement with. Roy was well known and loved, along with devoted wife Val and people still to this day talk so very highly of his bigger than life personality.

Roy had his backyard winery, affectionately known as ‘The Office’, a pre-existing horse breeding stable. He loved his horses and the people around him, he would share a tasting of his fortifieds in The Office with family and friends who would then often stagger back to the house after a few too many heavy fortifieds.

The Office is currently under reconstruction to become our working winery, to survive the legacy that he started more than 50 years ago.
